State testing for LHS students will begin in April and conclude in May. All students are encouraged to get a good night's rest and to eat a nutritious breakfast the morning of testing. Students are reminded to fully charge their Chromebook the night before testing. Please continue to read for special testing dates and times students are to report.
Students will be testing on the following dates and in the following classes:
Tuesday, April 1 and Thursday, April 3 - 7th, 8th, and 10th Grade English
Tuesday, April 29 and Thursday, May 1 - Grade 7 Math, Grade 8 Math, Algebra, and Geometry
Special note for JH/HS students only: Students testing will report to school their regular time. Any student not testing does not have to report until 9:55 a.m. LHS will operate on a two-hour late bell schedule on Tuesday, April 1, Wednesday, April 3, Tuesday, April 29, and Thursday, May 1. Students not testing must provide their own transportation or ride their regular morning bus. Buses will not be providing a second round of transportation. Supervision will be provided for students arriving early.
LHS will operate on a normal bell schedule for the following tests - all students (testing or not) will report to school their regular time.
Tuesday, April 22 - Grade 8 Science
Wednesday, April 23 - American History, Government
Thursday, April 24 - American History, Government, and Grade 8 Science
Friday, May 2 - Biology
Please contact the high school office (419-994-4101) if you have any questions. To view the LP Testing Calendar, click HERE.